% This is a comment. It has a percent sign at the beginning.
% Comments refer to the previous line
% Edit 12pt to 9pt for smaller typeface
% This package contains extra symbols. 
\usepackage[top=1.5 in, left=1.5 in, bottom=1.5 in, right=1.5 in]{geometry}
% Convenient way of formatting the margins of a page
% The vocabulary for figures are in the graphicx package
% Where texWins places the images (figures, pictures) you upload
% This command sets the indentation parameter to 0 inches. 
% This  command increases the default space between paragraphs
% This package understands the meaning of the following commands
% Nice header and other decorative printing
% A typesetting command. Comment is out and see what happens, if you like.
\fancyhead[L]{\scshape{Ivanhoe Rumpelstiltskin}}
% The name that appears on the Left in the header.
% This will print today's date. You can put an explicit phrase in its place.
\fancyhead[C]{Basketweaving 101}
% What is printed in the middle.
% Puts a page number in the middle of the footer.